Anomaly Hair Collective LLC

anomaly /əˈnäməlē/

1  something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected: there are a number of  anomalies in the present system | [with clause] :

the apparent anomaly that those who produced the wealth were the poorest | the position abounds in anomaly | a legal anomaly.

Years Established

exceptional stylists

anomaly /əˈnäməlē/

1  something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected: there are a number of  anomalies in the present system | [with clause] :

the apparent anomaly that those who produced the wealth were the poorest | the position abounds in anomaly | a legal anomaly.

Our Stylists and Services

If you would like to make an appointment please contact the person you would like to schedule with directly by visiting their page, and if you are not sure whom you would like to see, you can select from the services below to see who can provide you with what you are looking for.



in partnership with Crippen Design

Shop the collection now and show your support for self-expression!

Look good, feel good, do good.

More than just hair, it’s an identity. Show your pride with our shirts and hoodies!

Ask one of our stylists to get your #hairhasnogender merch!

Visit Us

837 Monroe St.

Eugene, OR 97403

837 Monroe St. Eugene, OR 97403